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Date Posted: 16:37:28 09/18/03 Thu
Author: Feen
Subject: ~Buzz and Jenna Memories~

I was watching the episode from February 1994, when Jenna was working in Dirtie Dotties and Frank came into the store looking for a Valentines' present for Eleni. Jenna helped him and they found a cute little heart-shaped jewelry box. I suspected that Frank started liking Jenna after she helped him:)

These ladies came into the store and saw Jenna and said, "That's her!" (I bet they were Fiona Hutchison fans that wondered into that store;) They bought stuff and wanted pictures with the lovely Miss Bradshaw!!

Woman: Say cheese!
Jenna: Formaggio.
Woman: How cute. She speaks Italian.

The ladies left and Jenna felt popular again, lol! Buzz went out the door and saw a sign that had a picture of Jenna circled and an arrow pointing to the picture, reading, "Here to serve you." He asked Dottie and she said that it was "free advertising." Jenna wanted to see it and she said, "Ooh! It's a lovely picture at least." Buzz wasn't too happy about it, but Jenna loved the thought of people wanting to see her!!

At days end, Dottie was already to go and Buzz was making sure Jenna got a fair share of the days earnings. He suggested "twenty percent." Dottie asked why he was asking and he said, "I'm just looking after my babe." (I loved that he called her "his babe!") Jenna then talked to Dottie about her money. Dottie said she was going to go home and do nothing but think about nothing!!!

Jenna: How good a day has it been, Dottie? Just how good of a day has it been?

Dottie: You want to know how much you made.

Jenna: That's what I'm sayin'.

Dottie: Fifty-two dollars.

Jenna: Make it $53.50 and you got a deal.

Dottie: Ok, and I'll let you take it out of the tiel yourself.

Then Buzz was like, "Fifty-three dollars and fifty cents. I'm impressed.

Jenna: Well, I'm not. Why should she take all the credit for it? It's my notoriety that's bringing in the bucks.

Buzz: Am I arguing?

Then Jenna asks Buzz if he sold Frank the tux and Buzz said with the price she put on it, he'll have to buy it for him, lol! Jenna then says, "You are a wonderful father." They kiss.

Buzz and Jenna kissed and Buzz said he may need to borrow $15 for alterations..Jenna said, "You can take it all and you don't have to pay me back. Buzz, "Oh honey." Jenna, "Because there's more where that came from." (Buzz kissed her neck and Jenna said, "I want to blow all this money on you...tonight. Let's celebrate."

They kiss again and Frank walks in...it's so funny cuz when they stopped kissing, Buzz had spit on the top on his lip, while Jenna stood there wiping her pinky across her lip;)

Anyways, Buzz told Frank that it was all taken care of and that they needed to hurry to Mr. Lee's for alterations!! Buzz said to Jenna, "I'll see you tonight." They kissed once more and Jenna giggled while they were kissing. She smiled as Frank was going out the door and said, "Frank, you look smashing in that suit." Frank went into a Jenna trance and Buzz grabbed him and pulled him out the door!!


I just loved that moment soo much! I watch it every night! I have to watch Buzz and Jenna kiss before I go to bed at night;)


*Note: If you have a favorite Buzz and Jenna memory, post here!!!

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[> Re: Fireworks *sigh* -- Katie Too, 21:07:08 09/18/03 Thu [1]

That was the episode in which I got hooked. I knew just then I couldn't miss a single episode of Jezz. I think I was 13...and that was sooooo long ago. I can only remember bits and pieces but it started out as Jenna yelling at Buzz about using a door...gaurd dogs (Lance and Cookie...scarry that I remember that)...Donna and Ginger (oh how I miss Allison Janney)...tears in Jenna's eyes and bottle rockets. I miss them. :-(

Oh yeah...I kept one of my 8th grade grammar journals...if I'm not too embarrassed, I may post part of it...too funny. Yes, I got an A writing about Buzz and Jenna and what was happening on GL.

I'm lovin' the buzz on FH at the MD OLTL and GL boards

Nighty all
Katie Too

excerpt from one of my favorite Paul Simon songs "Rene and Georgette Magrite with their Dog After the War"

Side by side
They fell asleep
Decades gliding by like Indians
Time is cheap
When they wake up they will find
All their personal belongings
Have intertwined

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[> [> Re: Fireworks *sigh* -- Feen, 02:17:55 09/19/03 Fri [1]

Well, I guess I'm not the only person who wrote about Buzz and Jenna in middle school. I have a notebook filled with stuff about them:) What a great couple! I'll share my corny stuff I did if you share yours lol!


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