Subject: Re: Bodily Fluids |
Derek Lachut
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Date Posted: 14:49:39 03/30/04 Tue
In reply to:
's message, "Bodily Fluids" on 17:00:12 03/19/04 Fri
As unfortunate as the situation was, that was one hilarious story. You must keep us updated on the hot donkey butt humping.
>So Nate Muller comes down to New York. So duh, we go
>to the Silk Road. Drunk and hot NYU bims say, "Come
>with us!" I had no idea WHERE we were going but it
>didn't matter -- I would've followed them to Hell to
>roast marshmallows. They were HOTTTTT!
>Nate doesn't come because he has an awesome
>girlfriend. I go because I want awesome sex. I'm
>focusing on the hot blonde. We're hugging outside and
>flirting and stuff. Then we get on the subway.
>Her drunk little blonde head is on my shoulder. Yeah,
>I'm big pimpin' with my arm around her -- everyone on
>the packed subway can see I'M THE MAN. Then she looks
>up at me with her beautiful blue eyes and PUUUUUUUUKE!
>All over her silky black top: chicken, beef, shrimp.
>And on my pants, too! I was like, "WOMAN! Don't you
>know these pants are dry clean only!" Okay, I didn't
>say that, but I thought it REALLY HARD.
>Right there I decide, okay I can't take advantage of
>hot pukey girl. So I will be a gentleman and help her
>home and hopefully she will reward me in the future
>with hot donkey butt humping.
>We get off at 14th St, go to the stairs and PUUUUUUKE!
>Not more than 2 feet away from a young couple sitting
>on the stairs. They don't move. Native New Yorkers.
>So now we're on the sidewalk outside her dorm. But her
>RD would go ballistic if she came in with vomit all
>over herself. So I help her shower in the street with
>bottled water and pizza napkins.
>So this hot 20 year old bim with puke all over herself
>has her arm around me for support when I hear, "YO
>HOG!! WHAT'S UP?!!" It's Mike Dobbins. A guy who I do
>stand-up comedy with. He's like, "Oh. YOU GOT IT!
>YEEEEEEAH!" As he walked away, I was like, "Noooo!
>It's not what you think! Please don't tell all my
>Hey, this was the hottest chick to ever puke on me. I
>think that counts for something.
>Proud to be a Zete,
>Scott Hoggy Hog
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