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Subject: All-u-can-eat-Buffet

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Date Posted: 15:23:59 02/20/05 Sun

Ron (class of '98) visited me (no-class of '99) in NYC. We destroyed the all-you-can-eat buffet...

Ron rubs it in, PURPOSELY wearing that stupid-ass SOX shirt! Damn you! Though I got my revenge when he dripped duck sauce all over it.

It's insensitive to their families to make fishy faces at fishies that you are about to eat.

If you were a sushi, and the last thing you ever saw was Ron's open mouth, you would crap your rice.

I performed some stand-up comedy. My chick is still with me even after I made all those jokes about boobies... ha, boobies.

After the comedy show at Teabag (www.teabagopenmic.com) which also featured a heavy metal band named Haunted Pu$$y... yeah, crazy creepy music and 2 chicks in tiny outfits, one screaming and the other devouring a melon, and letting the juices flow down her arms, cleavage, and stomach. ONLY IN NY, BABY!!! :)

In conclusion, Frankenstein's monster mirrors society in that he felt alone and misunderstood.

Oops. I copy & pasted that last part from a book report.

Anyway, that's the report from New York. Other recent news:

* I was on a float in the Chinese New Year Parade
* My brother proposed to his girlfriend of 8 years by giving her a diamond ring, looking in her eyes, and saying "Here ya go."
* I took a wicked Campfire Dump. (That's where the logs are piled up like you're starting a camp fire.)

- Scott AKA HogWild

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