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Subject: Camphone used to cheat on exam

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Date Posted: 08:21:11 05/12/04 Wed

Camphone used to cheat on exam - Wednesday, May 12, 2004

SALINAS, California (AP) -- Cheating has gone high tech at Everett Alvarez High School, and administrators have the pictures to prove it.

School officials banned cellular telephone use after a student was caught using a camera phone to photograph an exam and trying to send it to a friend.

"All we are doing is stepping up the enforcement level, because of the student's flagrant violations," Principal Joe Rice said Monday.

Cheating by using camera phones and text messaging has become a nationwide concern.

Last year, six University of Maryland students admitted cheating on an accounting exam by using their phones to send information to one another via text messaging.

The Salinas Union High School District has had a ban on "electronic signaling devices" since April 2003 but has let individual schools decide how to enforce it.

A teacher caught the student who took the photograph of a test before he was able to transmit the image, Rice said.

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