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Subject: Re: lostpassword cheat on neopets

dogsrule (i dont get it where do u put the code)
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Date Posted: 04:52:17 01/12/08 Sat
In reply to: poopy 's message, "lostpassword cheat on neopets" on 13:50:58 11/20/03 Thu

>Hacking Neopets Passwords EASILY
>Hacking has been getting harder and harder with
>today's technology, but Neopets is far behind with
>these advances.
>Neopets "Lost Password" files are still done by email,
>and a simple code will "retrieve" a password and email
>it straight to your email. It tricks the system into
>thinking that you are a Neopets staff person.
>This is how you do it:
>1. Neopets staff did at least one smart thing: They
>used a system of random numbers like a combination
>lock; it's very hard to figure out the combination.
>But due to the dedication of scam artists like myself,
>we can now give you complete instructions to get any
>password you want. So to start, in the subject line
>put the following combination: "9123129312"
>2. Now is where it gets more complicated, yet still
>easy enough for the novice scammer to understand. Put
>the word "staff," then your username, then "pw," and
>your password. For example, if my username was
>"Poop23" and my password was "hot," I would put
>"staffpoop23pwhot." Neopets has enough staff members
>where their account doesn't even know the difference!
>3. On the second line is where you will put the
>username you want the password of, then "email," then
>your email address. So if poop23 wants to get
>spanky34's password, he would put
>4. Send this to lostpw111@yahoo.com. The reason the
>mail is not hosted on Neopets is that they still use
>the original email address for lost passwords.
>The email will look like this:
>To: lostpw111@yahoo.com
>Subject: 9123129312

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Re: lostpassword cheat on neopetsxx_Grey_Faerie_xx ((confused))07:20:20 07/09/08 Wed
    Re: lostpassword cheat on neopets>o<16:43:04 12/30/08 Tue

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