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Subject: Re: Encounter with Oriental Travels

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Date Posted: Thu, Nov 24 2005, 14:29:09
In reply to: Edwin 's message, "Encounter with Oriental Travels" on Sun, Nov 09 2003, 11:45:10

I just got a call from a lady who's representing Oriental Travels. She also said that they are not a time share company, no purchase needed, no need to attend a presentation, just have to go to Shaw Towers to collect the voucher. But when we're there, the staff will do a demonstration of their new website which in all should not take longer than 2 hrs. Already that got me thinking, at first she said no need to attend presentation but at the end she said need to go through demonstration - they're just using a different word. After I agreed to go and pick up the voucher I decided to do a bit of surfing and came across such forums. Obviously I'm not keeping that appointment anymore! Thanks!

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[> Subject: Re: Encounter with Oriental Travels

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Date Posted: Mon, Dec 05 2005, 20:47:38

I actually sat through something like this almost 5 years back (when my wife was pregnant with our first child). We had to decline their membership three times to three different people, a sales rep, a manager and finally a director. Wasted more than 2 hours there. Those guys give "hard-selling" a whole new different meaning. I think that was under the Royal Crown Group too. Looks like they just changed their name. So, I knew something was fishy the moment I picked-up my phone just an hour ago. This guy asked a few questions and said I'm one of 92 lucky people who is entitled to a 14-day holiday and a video-cam worth $1300. I let the guy talked for a while (saying the usual stuff), asked a few questions and confirmed I'll be attending. He then put the manager on the line and this guy with a heavy Indian accent went through the same script with me. I asked him what happens if "for-some-reaon" we can't attend. He went on to say things like "they have to pay taxes for the gifts, etc and they don't want that". I just told him to fax the letter to me and I'll "try" to attend. He didn't sound too please. Maybe he smelled a rat.....

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