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Subject: Re: Encounter with Oriental Travels

Mei Ing
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Date Posted: Wed, Mar 08 2006, 11:50:30
In reply to: Edwin 's message, "Encounter with Oriental Travels" on Sun, Nov 09 2003, 11:45:10

Doris, I received a call from a lady named Lauren this morning from Dynamikz Netwerkz too. She mentioned that they are appointed by Time Sharing developer and help us to dispose those "studpid" memebership stuff.

My hubby claimed that this could be another gimmicks and trap to lure us in... I'm also in dilemma whether should go for it coz I really wish to get rid of that stupid membership and get back my hard earned money.

Naresh, can you share with me the detail on how you go after them and refunded your money? I really really wish to do so. Btw, I joined since 2003 but I was so regret since then.

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[> Subject: Re: Encounter with Oriental Travels

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Date Posted: Sun, Mar 12 2006, 11:28:40

Hi Everyone,

I also received a call from Lauren regarding Dynamikz Netwerkz last week, and have actually went to have a talk with Dynamikz Netwerkz (I'll call it DN from here on) on Saturday. Before I give any further details, for those that don't have time to read everything(which is VERY loooong), here's 1 statement for you:

Don't waste your time going down to talk to them!

Here's what happened.

After making the appointment with DN at NAC Tower B Level 16 (Leisure Group Marketing), what I did is this. Since they asked me to bring along my Grown Crown Resort Membership Agreement, I decided to photo-copy of it first, but with the amount that I paid blanked out. This is so that they won't know the amount that I paid, and will be forced to give a valuation based on the membership that I have. Theoretically, the value of my membership should be based on what I have, not what I paid for.

So, with this in mind, I brought along the agreement (both original and the photo-copied) and met up with them. First, a lady was assigned to me, and brought me down to Level 14 where there's another office. This seems to be the place where they do all the "phyco" sessions as I can see quite a number of people sitting around small tables and talking with some LGM staffs. When she asked me to show her my membership, I counter-ask her and ask her for details as to what this meeting will be all about. When I ask her that, all she can ask is, wasn't I informed about it? When I ask her for more details, she looks like her mind just blanked out. My conclusion then is that she doesn't know anything at all.

So, I showed her the photocopy of the agreement to see if it will jolt her memory. When she saw that the amount I paid isn't shown, she doesn't know how to continue, and went out to ask her "manager" to come in.

So, this "manager" came into the room. Right from the 1st word that he spoke, he is showing a very arrogant attitude, and is talking to me very loudly. He is obviously not keen on even negotiating or finding out what we want. All he can say is that his valuator cannot give a price unless he can see how much I paid. I keep asking him to give me a valuation based on the membership's own value, but he refused, saying without the price I paid, it is worth $0! He even had the audencity to use a pen to write the word $0 on the photo-copied agreement, Twice! By this time, he is almost like shouting at me alraedy.

Then when I told him that if this is his stand, we have nothing to discuss, and he said that I can leave anytime.

When I hear that, I know that continuing this "talk" is not worth the time spent, and I just walked out.

In view of this, I suggest that anyone considering meeting up with them either scrap the either, or do what I did, show them an agreement with the price blanked out. If they know the price we paid for, then based on this, they will definitely negotiate a lower price.

The only think I regret not doing is to make a din in the office there and scare away all the victims that are still talking to them.

As for Lauren (from Dynamikz Netwerkz), I don't think she knows anything either. Sounds more like LGM outsourced the task of calling up the victims to Dynamikz Netwerkz.

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