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Subject: Re: Encounter with Oriental Travels

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Date Posted: Thu, May 25 2006, 18:51:28
In reply to: Edwin 's message, "Encounter with Oriental Travels" on Sun, Nov 09 2003, 11:45:10

Anyone know that they now do not represent Full circle and if you want to sell yr membership away, oriental will not do it for you instead ask you to write to them direct.

Right now they are calling back those existing members who brought some years back to go down and say that they can cancel and refund you the membership amount you paid. But once you are there, they change the whole issue and said the above and that they tell you the option to convert it to an ownership instead of now as membership and pay an amount of close to S$10k being the calculation of it current market value of such ownership worth (S$28k) after deducting the value from your membership worth and oriental give further discount to you since you are their current customer. All these is another setup show by them to trick you to sign up with them and pay another sum of money.

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[> Subject: Re: Encounter with Oriental Travels

Regina Ong
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Date Posted: Fri, May 26 2006, 17:43:05


I'm one of those unfortunate persons that paid almost $13k for the OT/Gold Crown membership (perpetual membership) in Dec 2003. Recently, Oriental Travel (Customer service dept) called up my husband and said that they would like to meet up with us for an update. Note, they will keep emphasising that they are from customer service and not the sales team. Upon meeting them, we were told that they will be terminating their relationship with Gold Crown soon and they will no longer be their agent. And in order to "protect" our consumer needs they have now have a "holiday ownership" under the Viva Le Concierge Club and what we need to do is to upgrade our membership to this by paying a couple of thousand of dollars more (in exact $7,000) only and we will have 4 holiday weeks that we can either use it ourseleves or rent it out at $1000/week. On top of that, they will also guarantee a resale value of the membership at the end of a 3 year term. On top of that, they will be giving us a 7D6N cruise to Bahamas. In addition, we will also be assured on the loyalty Reward Bonus promised.

We of course having gone through one such hard sell and this time we will not give in. Now it appears that we are "threatened" that if we do not switch to this new Viva club, we may incur perpetual lifetime annual and registration fees of US$1,069 per annum if we do not switch. On top of that, we will lose the Loyalty Reward Bonus (the one that we have to send it an annual confirmation).

Has anyone been approached by them for this Viva Club? And anyone has any idea whether we can seek any form of recourse on them? Anyone has managed to get the 5 years loyalty bonus of $2,500 from them?

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[> [> Subject: Re: Encounter with Oriental Travels

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Date Posted: Fri, Jun 09 2006, 0:00:06


I've been sold the same story & went down to see them since they wanted to update me on GCR developements. I've been away the last 2 years & have not used GCR. But, yes my experience is the deal is not as offered during Orinetal hard sell.

Anyway, they told me the same thing about their termination of ties to GCR & which means we have to pay the admin & reg fees to GCR ourselves (a load of rubbish). To help us they offer Viva yada..yada...to me for $9,800 from $38,800 (siao!)...
I was not feeling too well & wanted to leave but they sure put on an act...all but hard sell & scam more money from me. Prior to this episode, I had tot OT to be honest & reputable ...but after this ...sheeze...

Now is the time for us victim to hit back...anyone know of any legal means?

Regina, as for the LRB...I think we have been misled ...don't think we'll gonna see our $2,500.

Do you think a police report to CPIB is of any essence? Maybe I can check with a police friend.

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