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Subject: Re: Anyone heard of Discovery8?

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Date Posted: Mon, Apr 24 2006, 15:09:04
In reply to: Yap 's message, "Anyone heard of Discovery8?" on Mon, Apr 03 2006, 17:35:48

Hi Yap & Han,
I think they have many schemes that tailor to your need just to get your money.
Mine is a different story from you guys.
They promise to sell away my timeshare if i sign up with them. Again whether they can sell or not is a different story. So far, i have paid 1K as deposit, when the timeshare is sold, i will use the money to paid them.
The package they offer to me was 7K and a further 2k reduction upon payment in full. This was a non-rebated package.
So, now we need more feedbacks whether this company is genuine in providing service, or just a scam. I think this is very important.
Hope to hear more from you guys.

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[> Subject: Re: Anyone heard of Discovery8?

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Date Posted: Tue, Apr 25 2006, 11:59:00

Hi there,

i juz received a call identified as discovery8 and claiming i've won myself free accom @ sentosa, 5-stars hotel in koh samui and free spa. They too mentioned as these gifts are very expensive, thus if u'd once confirmed attendance, they will processe n blah blah~

Is this how they had claimed to you initially too?

Initially, i told them i'll be down tml, but feeling skeptical still, i did a web search on this company. Count myself lucky to see your messages! Otherwise, most prob i'll be goin down there.

Btw, the person who called me are Mandy n Irene... they sound so real n sincere....kept ensuring they are nt timeshare co, n no obligations. Wat actually takes place after u reach there?

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[> [> Subject: Re: Anyone heard of Discovery8?

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Date Posted: Sat, Apr 29 2006, 2:54:25

Yes the same thing happened to me. i received a call on april 27 2006 and the person who called me, identified himself as Brandon and the phone was later passed to a lady who identified herself as the senior manager of discovery8 but i didn't catch her name... they sounded so real n sincere....Kept ensuring me that there's no fraud, no payment of any sort just to go down and claim the prize. The prizes mentioned were the same as Fel but with an additional $200 voucher of skin care products.

Out of curiousity, i went there today on 28 april 2006. Things were very much different, i was introduced to this package priced at $9000 for 10years and had been presented with the same things as you guys. Strangely there wasn't any sign of the "lucky draw prize" that they claimed to have processed.

I think i'm a victim of this as well. But fortunately, having been fore warned by my parents and friends i didn't bring my atm card with me.They asked for $1000 as deposit. However i didn't have any money with me. After much haggling from them, I paid $10 as a temporary reservation for its membership while i seek parental consent. They said they would be contacting me in due course. I seriously think i'm going to lose my $10 deposit and my parents actually advised me not to subscribe to this package.

Btw did any of you here noticed that these happened within this month? I'm now wondering how many more ppl feel the sameway as i do. I'm also wondering whether there were any cases similiar to this prior to this month (april 2006)?

They claimed they we set up in 1997, does anyone know of its existence and credibility? Would appreciate feedback from anyone who has tried out these packages prior to this year. If this is a hoax, i think we should approach the relevant authorities and expose them.

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