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Subject: Gold Crown Resort/Full Circle from Oriental Travels

Brian Wee
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Date Posted: Thu, Mar 22 2007, 17:41:45

Just a word of caution to timeshare owners. Oriental Travels is currently recalling back old memberships because they are no longer marketing Gold Crown Resorts and Full Circle memberships.

As such, the objective is to "buy" back Gold Crown or other previously marketed memberships by offering an up-grade to their new membership Viva le Concierge.

It'll set you back anyting between 9K to 20K and in one year's time, they will provide first hand "ASSISTANCE" in selling your membership to recover your money or rent out your weeks to help you make money from it. But you will have to set up a Paypal account to do it yourself, they won't do it for you.. just teach you how to go about doing it yourself.

The downside of not upgrading is that your current annual fee will jump from US$69/- per year to US$69 per month due to added facilities (this is to alarm owners) and the other opton is to engage a lawyer which will cost you about 9K to cancel the membership, in which case, you lose all the money paid up for it (to discourage you from spending more money unnecessarily).

Whether you have up-graded or not, members who are not entirely satisfied with promises undelivered by the marketing company may want to clarify with CASE directly.

If the product purchased does not work as first presented during the time of purchase, members who have tried using it and found the rates quoted higher compared to internet or travel agency rates may wish to bring it up to CASE even if it's past the 3 days cooling off period.

Consumers have 1 year to seek redress UPON discovering that their product does not work as according to what was promised by the merchant. This refers to AFTER the 3 days cooling off period.

In any case, being completely clear about your rights under the Fair Trading Act may get you out of a contract you no longer wish to be bound to instead of being pulled into another one that requires more money paid out for a different membership.

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