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Subject: ERI Timeshare represented by Villas & Hotels Pte Ltd

Ang Kian Hin
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Date Posted: Sat, Oct 13 2007, 13:16:52

Hi all, hope to get some advice here. In 2005, I signed up a ERI Timeshare kind of thing (I admit I was too stupid to get brainwashed. I was told that it was only 1 hour of presentation, and I was tired after work by then. It took 3 long hours instead). The whole thing was around $12000. I agreed to pay installment $100 a month. However, after sometime I regretted signing and realized that there was a cooling period of 3 days I think. I missed that. Thinking that since my membership has not been activated yet (50% payment must be made to get it activated), I emailed them to ask if I can cancel the membership and they said no. Since then, I cancelled my GIRO payment and have not paid since. Some days ago, a representative from a company representing ERI called me stating that I still owe ERI that amount of money. She told me that if I ignore that, they will go through the legal steps and deal with it legally. She asked me to go down to the company and sign to carry on the installment.
I went down to this company known as Villas & Hotels Pte Ltd on Thursday. She told me that I was supposed to pay the full amount on that day, but allowed me to pay through installment. I had to pay a certain amount upfront first to allow me to carry on with the installment. I paid $4700 in all. I felt being threatened. She also told me that I'm not supposed to terminate the membership since I have not finished the payment. She gave me a new contract. However when I reached home, I saw the same clause on the 3 cooling off days period. Does it refer to the new contract or the old contract in 2005? Do u guys think that there's anyway I can get back the $4700 I have paid on that day? I am willing to forgo the previous payment though. Please advice. Thanks so much.

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