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Subject: Help With My Timeshare Please

Bitten Badly
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Date Posted: Tue, Oct 30 2007, 21:18:22

In 2004, I signed a timeshare with ERI and in 2005 I was contacted by LGM regarding this timeshare that I have signed. As I wanted to get rid of my timeshare burden, I signed with LGM to sell my product with ERI to LGM. I did not take up their CVC package as I told them I don't think I will need it and therefore did not sign on the line which mentions the yearly payment. Till now LGM has never chased me for any yearly payment too.

Since I signed the contract with LGM, I sort of feel better. However, this year I start to get calls from those re-sale companies saying that they can help me etc etc. I ignored all. These include axial management and project media. I did not know how they get my info, but what struck my mind was that is my timeshare that was originally signed with ERI cancelled since I sold it to LGM? How can I verify this? How can I confirm that I will not face problems of letters chasing me for payments in the future?

As for ERI, after I paid in full, I took the certification of full payment from them as LGM needs it. Then I was asked to pay for the yearly membership fee. I told them that I don't need it and they can cancel my membership. They did not chase me for the fees too.

I have already paid in full to both ERI and LGM. I do not foresee getting back my monies though it will be a bonus if I could. I hope that all these non-chasing of payments is not just for the moment. Any recommendations on what should I do next?


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