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Subject: Beware When U Give Your Particulars

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Date Posted: Thu, Nov 03 2005, 19:18:46

People who are attracted to Lucky Draws and free gifts must exercise caution and be wary. U see, the promoters of these lucky draws and giving of free gifts don't do it with an altruistic motive. There is no such thing as a free lunch. One of the ways timeshare companies and holiday clubs attract people to their premises to listen to their 'obligation-free' presentation is by enticing them to participate in lucky draws and giving free gifts. Now these marketing companies spend a lot of money on this under their 'advertisements' budget. People should be cautious when some innocent-looking young girl or guy stop u in Orchard Road or some business district and ask u to participate in some 'scratch card' lucky draw with no obligations. People should also be wary when they get a telephone call from some sweet-talking guy or girl (u should wonder how they got your number) telling u that u are a lucky winner of some lucky draws and would u please come and collect your gifts and listen to some presentation. The moment you acquiesce and go for the presentation that's where they will hook u. One of the ways they get hold of your personal particulars is during the time u report to the reception and the lovely and sweet innocent-looking customer service officer tells u there is this lucky draw which gives u an attractive prize if the last 3 numbers of your credit cards matches those over the counter. When u become greedy and boast all your cards thats when they will size u up and this information will be provided to the consultant who meets and greets u later on. And with this information they will know how much to raise the price of the offer for the day. And when u fill up the entry form at the reception and put in your personal particulars u have to beware. There is this possibility your particulars get into the hands of some syndicate. Then u may receive calls from other related companies or even affiliated companies attracting u to some other offers like no Maintenance Fees and offers of Cashbacks etc. So my friend, if u value your peace of mind, remember never to give your personal particulars! If u happen to walk in for a presentation just to collect your free gifts after your 90 mins presentation just give them some false telephone numbers so that they can't call and harass u. In the beginning of the presentation there will be a 'get-to-know-u' session where the consultant will spend at least 30 mins to an hour making u talk about family, your occupation, your recreation and your motivations. Just fake them and do not divulge your true self. The information gathered by these people will be used to size u up and will be later used to entice u to make a decision to take up the membership. And when when u sign up and later regret your decision u have 3 working days (excluding Sats, Suns & Public Holidays) to get out and get a refund of your deposit with no questions asked. (Consumer Protection Fair Trading Act, 2004)

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