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Subject: Oriental Travel Pte Ltd

Laura Chong
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Date Posted: Sun, Mar 20 2005, 15:20:03
In reply to: Edwin 's message, "Encounter with Oriental Travels" on Sun, Nov 09 2003, 11:45:10

My husband and I also attended the gruelling session at their office at Shaw House. I did not know of this forum until today. Luckily, we did not take up on their offer of gold membership at S$30K. However, we realise that the complimentary S$1,000 flight voucher is worthless because we have to pay for the 5-star accommodation which is so expensive. And Oriental Travel claimed to offer wholesale price.

Also, I noticed something strange. During the session, the customer service officer assigned to us, signalled one of the staff to trail my husband when he went to the washroom.
My husband confirmed this.

But it puzzles me that Oriental Travel can be listed on NATAS.

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[> Subject: Interesting "lucky draw"

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Date Posted: Wed, Mar 23 2005, 22:36:38

It is really great to have a forum having people telling me without me spending hours listening to craps. Thanks so much guys.

I received a call from Jue Shi one afternoon and as usual, the lady on the phone go non stop and almost unstoppable with the information like "Sir, you won a 5000 travel voucher" and "with my correct details" (except she failed to realise I am not married) She was talking so quickly in order not to let me have a chance to cut through. I got mad and asked her to shut up and repeat my details and explain to me how I actually win this lucky draw prize. She beat around the bush and told me that she has no details with her and quickly hang up.

Few days later, another lady, this time more calm and tried to convince me to attend their lucky draw prize presentation. She says I must attend the session cos they have arranged a Mediacorp Star and it is held only once. I agreed to go and never turn up. Throughout the conversation, she assured me that they are NOT TIME SHARE company.

One month later, I think I must be really lucky and this time, I won a Toyota sedan along with some other winners wirh funny names. I dumped it away and just one week ago, I won another prize. This time a 42' plasma TV. Obviously the company has no idea how dumb they look by making me lucky so many times.

Now, I have nearly got into time share program before as well as waste some small money in Direct marketing program. My advice to all:

a. Time Share Telemarketer will go non stop during a teleconversation in order to exhaust you and make you confused. They will repeatedly tempted you with what you are getting if you attend their 'prize presentation' Most of the time, after 30min of conversation, you will end up not thinking straight and agreed to go. Being Asians, we do not want to let people down so we end up wasting money if not time at their seminars.

b. Be really firm in your decision. If you are not interested, say NO and do not say "let me think about it'. They will formulate new ideas to persuade you into an agreement.

If I am not wrong about how they managed to get my details, I have given them away during a street survey on Orchard Road. To my surprise, I still see them on the Orchard Road. Most of the time, they used innocent looking young girls or boys to ask for survey. Out of kindness, you sometimes agree to help these surveyers out.

Once you filled up the form, you will suddenly become the luckest guy or girl on Orchard Road cos you have won the only "choose your ideal city to travel' package. But you must have a credit card and 45 min to attend their seminar.

They used pink looking survey form in A5 size.

Hope everyone can tell people that they know so that there are no more victims.

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