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Subject: Why doesn't the govt do anything? | |
Author: Jonson Tan | [ Next Thread |
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] Date Posted: Mon, May 09 2005, 19:47:27 The Singapore government is so POWERFUL, they are so good at catching people for littering, spitting, chewing gum, bankrupting opposition, it is mind boogling that they cannot do anything about all these scams operating from right under their noses! What is so difficult about having a Timeshare Act: 1. Increase the cooling off period to 20 days. No money can be collect during the cooling off period. 2. Require timeshare companies to attach cancellation forms with the contract. 3. Require them to attach consumers rights to cancellation on the forms. 4. Require licensing. The Singapore govt can ban chewing gum but cannot stop unscrupulous timeshare companies. Or they can't be bothered? Surely the sheer number of victims make this worthwhile. Can someone tell me what is so difficult to add a few laws (we have plenty in Singapore) to prevent people from being scammed? [ Next Thread | Previous Thread | Next Message | Previous Message ] |
[> Subject: The govt ain't gonna do nuthin' | |
Author: ccn666 [ Edit | View ] |
Date Posted: Thu, May 12 2005, 1:32:41 Come on, this is $ingapore. The govt ain't gonna do nuthin' ... The overriding, all POWERFUL logic has always been and will always be: "Caveat emptor" or Let the buyer beware. Well, at least you can still hire a lawyer to sue the timeshare companies even though that isn't an option for 99% of the victims but you do still have a choice nevertheless. You can't even begin to contemplating on suing SMRT or SBS for raising public transport fare every year when they are given the window of opportunity to do so by the regulator, Public Transport Council (PTC) on May Day every year! The $ingapore government is more than willing to bend over backwards to show the whole wide world that it is 110% pro-business. That's why it is building not one but two casinos because that's where the real money is. To our government, compared to the social problems that will be created by the two casinos, the timeshare scams are less than a drop of water in the ocean ... so, it will be business as usual for all the timeshare scumbags. Sad but true ... [ Post a Reply to This Message ] |
[> Subject: Re: Why doesn't the govt do anything? | |
Author: George [ Edit | View ] |
Date Posted: Sat, Jun 11 2005, 11:47:08 Since it is the government's policy to let people be responsible for their own financial decisions (Caveat Emptor) let it be. What we as enlightened people should do is to educate others on this scourge prevailing in our land. Let people understand what these companies do and how they market their products. And how people are being threatened with lawsuits if they refuse to carry on paying their instalments or maintenance fees. People must be told that there is no fixed price for these products. Many people pay different prices for the same products depending how they bargain. Maintenance Fees can go up and up and never down. Members have no say if the management want to raise Maintenance fees. Over the years Maintenance fees can double or triple the sum of money paid for the membership! People must be aware of this and do their calculations! And finally never believe that your timeshare can be sold at a profit! Many people are struggling to sell and are cheated by timeshare resellers in the process. [ Post a Reply to This Message ] |