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Subject: A step forward ... | |
Author: Oh oh | [ Next Thread |
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] Date Posted: Sat, May 14 2005, 1:27:14 In reply to: ccn666 's message, "Read LGM's public apology to MM Lee here in its full glory" on Fri, May 13 2005, 1:06:22 If Holiday Marketing International and Leisure Group Marketing are so desperate to resort to even using Senior Minister Mr. Lee Kuan Yew photograph, name, office and quote without his consent to promote their companies & 'packages', they might be in a pathetic state right now in terms of cashflow. As I've stated before, manage your cashflow and give these "scammers" (timeshare companies) a hard time getting your money. Afterall these "scammers" can't engage Small Court Tribunal to chase anyone for debts owed below S$10k because Small Court Tribunal does not handle timeshare related transactions and no one can be declared a bankrupt in Singapore for debts less than S$10k. (You can check with the relevant authorities to be sure about these yourself). While you delay your payments to these "scammers", they will have to manage on their own to pay office rental and their staff. In addition, you can possibly use these delayed payments to engage a lawyer yourself and stop your suffering. Your delayed payments will also increase their paperwork and tracking. If they resort to getting lawyer to chase debts on their behalf, for each letter written by the lawyer using lawyer firms letterhead to each member who is owing their companies, they will have to pay couple of hundreds and in Singapore you won't be declared a bankrupt for total debts below S$10k. These "scammers" also have no right to slam interest charges for such amounts owing out of the blue unless it formed part of the contracts that were signed between "scammers" and the timeshare victims. Do what deems fit for your particular situation, every victim has different progress/scenario/story. Take care Oh oh [ Next Thread | Previous Thread | Next Message | Previous Message ] |
[> Subject: How much did HMI and LGM pay MM Lee? | |
Author: ccn666 [ Edit | View ] |
Date Posted: Tue, May 17 2005, 2:36:35 Well, how much exactly did HMI and LGM pay MM Lee? Based on the TODAY news report, ------------------------------------- On April 11, Mr Lee's lawyers — senior counsel Davinder Singh and Mr Hri Kumar from law firm Drew & Napier — sent a letter of demand to both companies. "They agreed to apologise shortly after the letter of demand was sent to them," said Mr Kumar, who declined to reveal how much was paid in damages. "They have accepted that the words (in the quote) suggested that Mr Lee was endorsing the product." LGM and HMI declined comment when contacted by Today last night. In 1995, opposition Member of Parliament Chiam See Tong was awarded $50,000 in a High Court suit against a Chinese restaurant that used his picture in a newspaper advertisement and flyers without his permission. ------------------------------------- Then the lowest amount that MM Lee could have received was $50,000 if Chiam See Tong was awarded $50,000 but that will be impossible because MM Lee has a social standing that is so much higher than Chiam, so who wants to hazard a guess? $100,000? $150,000? Well, whatever the amount was, I concur with Oh oh. Let us all the victims of LGM do our best to bleed LGM dry by delaying payments and/or suing those bastards silly. [ Post a Reply to This Message ] |