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Subject: Had a narrow escape from Oriental Travles

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Date Posted: Sun, Apr 24 2005, 16:47:33
In reply to: Edwin 's message, "Encounter with Oriental Travels" on Sun, Nov 09 2003, 11:45:10

Hi All,

Thanks for this forum where we could share our bad experience and admonish others.

We received a call from Oriental Travles couple of days back stating that we have been selected to receive $1000 voucher and a digital camera & 14days free accomadation any where in the world. when we spoke to them we were curious to know about how they actually got our name & contacts for which we never received a reply as we were busy we ignored asking further and we opted to attend the seminar as their was no-obilgation to buy anything from them.

As we entered, we were asked to switch off our mobiles as long as we were in their place. We were mesmerised with the perks and incentives and the places on slides.Before we heard a part of details their was the announcement a couple had signed and had won a free trip to Alaska curise we woundered how can the matters be briefed so quickly as we were just half way through it ( we think this was a scam ,they should have made their own employee as a first client.)

once the session was over we were to call our children but they denied and insisted on signing the contarct before we could make a phone call. My wife went out to the reception and called my children as it was 11:00PM late night.

we asked them the reason for switching off the mobile we were never given a clear answer. These things made us feel fishy about the whole thing. They had files of appreciation letters which we just had a glimpse of it and they took it away before we could gotru that.

When we insisted on having more time to think the guy named PREM added additional trips for signing the contract immediately or never. We had an impluse to sign but as time went on he started to get agitated. we went in to sign the contarct and felt their were few tricky lines in them. Then we firmly denied to sign and steped out at 1:00 AM. The guy PREM started to talk in a threating way and was abusive he had prejudiced our modesty. once we started to retaliate he skipped out and let us walk away.

we regret for that evening and should have made use of these websites to aquire enough info before accepting these invitations.

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[> [> Subject: Lets get back at Oriental Travel ( Jue Shi Marketing)

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Date Posted: Tue, May 03 2005, 23:10:48

Hmmm...I received the letters and calls. Know there may be some kind of gimmics, but really wanna to find some way of saboing them. Lets think of some...

I also wan to share what my mother did, some time back to the time share people. (She very free lah)

One night, she went to the presentation alone, even tho she promised that her hubby will be present. When she arrived and the people noted that she was alone and rather old, they did not allow her in and wanted to get her away by giving some lousy vouchers. But, she insisted as that she would stay on for the talk as she already made her way there. (They had promised Takashimaya vouchers then.) The people there could not out talk her and had to let her in. In the end she did not buy (of course), she told them that life time membership so what becoz she already so old, cannot live another 30 years to enjoy the $30k membership.

She got away with $40 vouchers (no gimmics), $100 seafood voucher (no minimum spending) and some other lousy tour vouchers. She did not sign up for anything.

Maybe, some of us who are more strong minded should attend these talks and let them waste their time....

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