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Subject: thank you so very much

christine velasco
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Date Posted: 09:00:09 04/25/05 Mon

CFOA is very helpful to my family. when the boxes arrive I wait to open them till the kids get home from school. They sit around around the boxes like they are christmas trees. It just puts a big smile on their faces. I have an 11 year old with a brain tumor called juvinile pilocytic astrocytoma. Chemo therapy didnt help, next is radiation. She gets MRI'S every 3 months (2 hours away) and shes her oncologist every 3 months (5 hours away 1 way). the shampoos and all the soaps and just everything helps so very much as we struggle with money cause of bills and travel expenses. Thank you again for donating and if we ever win the lottery I will be sure to send you lots of money. From the velascos

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Subject Author Date
Pilocytic AstrocytomaIvy McGee05:40:58 04/28/05 Thu

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