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Subject: Re: Brain Tumor pation looking for support

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Date Posted: 08:57:12 08/04/05 Thu
In reply to: Tuti 's message, "Re: Brain Tumor pation looking for support" on 11:29:13 07/27/05 Wed

>>>I am currently being treated for a brain tumor call
>>>Chordomas. I have to go to L.A. to get my tumor
>>>removed twice in May and June of 2004. I am at my
>>>last stage of the treatment with radiation but I have
>>>to travel more than an hour each day. I have four
>>>children ages 13, 12, 5, and 3.
>>>I have always been a survivor. It seems like
>>>my entire life I have to struggle with each step so
>>>that I can move ahead. At nine years old I saw the
>>>communist taking over of Laos and had to leave my dog
>>>behind so that we can escape to Thailand overnight.
>>>was separated from my parents for almost a month in
>>>the refugee camps. At eleven I have to struggle with
>>>adjusting to the new language and culture in America.
>>>My parents were always fighting too so I really never
>>>wanted to stay home as a teenager. I went to live
>>>with my brother in Madison in 9th grade because both
>>>of my older brother were attedning UW-Madison. I
>>>to live with my sister in St. Paul in 10th grade. I
>>>went to live with my brother again in Ft. Worth, TX
>>>11th grade because one of my older brother was
>>>for the U.S. Air Force. In 12th grade I went to live
>>>with my parents again in Detroit because my dad got
>>>laid off and have to take a job in Detroit. After my
>>>parents move back back to WI in 1986 I just travel
>>>U.S. and really didn't care much about my college
>>>education anymore for a while. I lived in Fresno for
>>>a couple month, Denver, Milwaukee, and almost a year
>>>in Philadaphia (I help the Hmong there won their
>>>Asian Soccer tournament). In the Winter of 1988 I
>>>my wife and my life turn around again. We got
>>>in the summer of 1989 and I went back to college
>>>with my wife.
>>>We both struggle in our college years because we also
>>>had two children. It was especailly hard when the
>>>kids are ill during final exam. I remember telling
>>>wife that if we can make it through college than we
>>>can handle anything in life. A year after we both
>>>graduated I encourage my wife to go on into graduate
>>>school in Madison and I took a cleaning job that paid
>>>$8/hr to get us by. During that year in Madison we
>>>butcher pigs every two month to get us meat.
>>>I know a lot of people all over and they are amazed
>>>that I don't smoke and don't use drug. I don't even
>>>like to drink beer. I have always consider my
>>>education and my health a main priority. Sometimes I
>>>am surprise by some kid in Appleton or Green Bay when
>>>they walk up to me and tell me that they wanted to be
>>>just like me when they grow up and I would tell them
>>>that they should be better than me when they grow up
>>>because my life suck.
>>>I learned of my tumor after a soccer game. I was
>>>having double vision so I went to an eye doctor to
>>>have my eye check but the doctor told me that I
>>>need glasses but recommended me to have an MRI. The
>>>MRI reveal that I have a tumor the size of an egg
>>>under my brain. I first went to Milwaukee to see a
>>>surgeon. The surgeon in Milwaukee recommended a
>>>surgery of cutting my brain open in order to get a
>>>bioxy of the tumor. I remember crying as I was
>>>driving back home. I have learn to survive in the
>>>street and I have struggle so my life can be better,
>>>but I didn't know how to deal with this tumor at
>>>The surgeon in Milwaukee warn me of the possibity of
>>>death too.
>>>AFter I got home I founded the Skull Base Institute
>>>L.A. and went there to get my tumor removed. 95-98%
>>>of my tumor was remove through the nose. I have been
>>>out of work for almost three month now and the
>>>radiation have really tire me out too. I have always
>>>help people out as a kid and as an adult. I have
>>>volunteer work as a translator, fundraiser, board
>>>members. Even in Madison I volunteer to recruit
>>>city kids to join summer camps. In St. Paul I
>>>volunteer at Habitat for Humanity. In Detroit I
>>>volunteer to tutor Middle East student with history
>>>classes. In Manitowoc I volunteer to coach soccer,
>>>and fundraising for the Hmong New Year. Now that I
>>>really in need of help there seems to be no place or
>>>no one that I can turn to other than my wife and
>>> If there is a God it sure seems like he have lost my
>>>name on his list.

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Subject Author Date
Re: Brain Tumor pation looking for supportzrvufhxhcq (HxBBBaDAufikIlbjtX)12:33:36 12/30/11 Fri

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