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Date Posted: 22:46:28 08/12/05 Fri
In reply to:
Sherlie Richardson
's message, "A GREAT BIG THANK YOU , AND GOD BLESS YOU ALL" on 17:52:52 10/27/04 Wed
>A Great Big "Thank You' and 'God Bless each and
>everyone of you, for all the good deeds that you are
>doing for people like myself and my 2 grandchildren.
>You are God sent, you really brighten up a lot of
>people, when you send the things that you send, all
>are greatly appreciated, and are put to a good use. I
>just recently found out that I have throat cancer, and
>the thyroid has to be taken out right away,due to
>cancer in thyroid, had brest removed 2 years ago, and
>have been in remission for a few month, then just
>found this out 4 months ago. One thing i would like to
>say to the ladies and men to , please have those
>breats exam, and please keep your doctors
>appointments,see your doctors regular,ya see this is
>what happen to me i was afraid to go back to the
>doctors, and when i started fainting,mind not clear,
>eyes swollen and red, , then when my heart started
>pounding, and i passed out at the store, i knew this
>was another sign from God above, cause see this was my
>4th time of passing out, and when i was rushed to
>hospital, heart rate was 180/178. Thank you CFOA, you
>are wonderful people, and Angels sent from Heaven
>above, the way you all help us out.
>God Bless Each and Everyone of You. Thanks for helping
>me out , without you i dont know what i would do,
>grandchildren look forward for packages to come,I a
>very low income and we look forward to getting the
>packages from you all.
>God Bless all,
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