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Subject: Please, help Anastasia!

Nick Markin
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Date Posted: 01:18:11 11/30/05 Wed

The LOGINOV family from Ust’-Barguzin (near Lake Baikal), Russia.
Their elder daughter Anastasia, 5 was diagnosed a cancer.
In May, 2005 the parents (Sergey and Olga) have noticed that Anastasia’s left eye began swelling. They took Anastasia (Nastya) to a local doctor in the village. The doctor suspected there was a malignant swelling and sent them to a regional hospital in Ulan-Ude. The doctor in Ulan-Ude suggested that it was a maxillary sinusitis, which caused a swelling and began to treat her for the cause. After two weeks they noticed an aggravation and decided to send her to Krasnoyarsk to define more precisely the cause. The doctor in Krasnoyarsk removed a part of the tumor for the examination on the 19th of July. He has made a diagnosis: rabdomio-sarcoma and sent the Loginovs back to Ulan-Ude for a course of chemotherapy. (The doctors in Krasnoyarsk gave a very little chance for healing, or even survival!!!)

By that moment the tumor grew a big size. Practically the eye went out of its place (orbit) so the lid would not close. In Ulan-Ude they made a tomography, then 4 courses of chemotherapy, then tomography again and sent them to Moscow. Chemotherapy gave a positive result, although swelling did not disappear at all. In Moscow at this moment the doctors are discussing a possibility of having another surgery (very complicated) to remove the tumor completely and the further treatment, using radiation and chemotherapy in Moscow. The doctors in Moscow think of two ways: the first one would be through the eye lid and it will damage the eye; the second would be through the skull which is dangerous anyway.
They need a place to rent while staying here in Moscow - $US10 would pay 1 night for one person.
Your $US 50 a week would pay her medicines.

Nick Markin, Vice President, Non Profit Partnership Cultural and Educational Society “Rostok” a registered charity in Russia

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