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Subject: Re: What smoking can do to you..

Bonnie (Small Cell Lung Cancer)
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Date Posted: 11:19:24 02/17/07 Sat
In reply to: 3GCARE 's message, "What smoking can do to you.." on 01:20:59 04/13/05 Wed

I totally agree with your statement. For those that think it is so cool and enjoyable to smoke, when you get Small Cell Lung Cancer, Extensive stage, you will see how cool and enjoyable that is!!

Small Cell Lung Cancer is the most aggressive, fastest spreading of the lung cancers. My husband was diagnosed with this 6 mons ago. It is almost always advanced when dianosed, because you don't know you have it until it is too late. The survival rate is grim!! By the time it is diagnosed it has already spread to your brain, adrenal glands, bone, good lung or liver. If you are one of the lucky ones that live long enough to begin treatment you can see what it is like to undergo combination chemotherapy and radiation!!

We live from day to day. Thanking God for every minute he continues to survive this Smoking cancer. This is not a joke. It changes your life FOREVER!! I wish I could show the video to everyone that smokes of my husband's battle with this cancer. If we can touch one person's life with our walk with cancer it would be worth all that we have been through and are going through. I know my husband wants to be used to make a difference in someones life.

And for the none smokers who let smokers pollute their lung better stop and think how precious there life is because when you breathe in second hand smoke you too are a good candiate for this almost always fatal cancer. Please please think about it. I wouldn't want anybody to go through what my precious husband has been going through!!

The reason my husband, Kenny is alive today is JESUS.

God Bless you all who read this and PLEASE IF YOU DON"T SMOKE FOR GOD'S SAKE DON"T START PLEASE!!!!!
Bonnie, in Ohio
Cigarette smoking is the single greatest cause of lung
>cancer. Up to 90 percent of lung cancer patients are
>smokers, and most of the remainder have been exposed
>to secondhand smoke. The great majority of lung cancer
>cases could be prevented and thousands of lives could
>be saved each year if people quit smoking.
>So if you have any plans of trying to get into
>smoking, think again…you don’t wanna mess up your
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