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Subject: Financial or in-kind assistance for child with cancer?

Jason Church (Optimistic)
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Date Posted: 09:07:20 08/05/07 Sun

We recently learned that my 15 year old son has osteosarcoma, he has a cancerous tumor on his right shin just below the knee. He started chemo last week. 9 months of treatment ahead of us and my wife had to take a leave of absence from work to take care of him.

Curious if any of you have experience or ideas on how companies or other organizations may be able to help. For example, we could use help with a laptop since the hospital has wireless connectivity and Josh is pretty bored. A reliable car to get to and from doctor visits (and for when he turns 16 next April) - A better cell phone for Josh to text message with his friends - A high speed internet connection at home - a HEPA UV air cleaner for his room - school tutoring resources. Or other resources to help a family? Thanks for any advice or leads.

He has a blog at www.caringbridge.org/visit/joshchurch

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