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Subject: Thank you Cancer Fund of America

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Date Posted: 15:48:56 02/08/08 Fri

We received our first box last week. I found this site by chance when I was looking for financial aid on the internet due to not getting any support at all. I know by reading these messages that there are many more people out there struggling with a family member who has cancer. I came to the US with my daughter last April 07, just two weeks later my daughter was diagnosed with Leukemia. My husband works but his hours have been cut. I cannot work due to caring for my daughter. We dont get any financial aid at all due to the fact that she is not US citizen or been in the US for 5 years. Her biological father does not pay support and denied her. So i went to child support agency and they have taken it into their hands. He made us do a DNA test, I knew and he knows he is her biological father. He just dont want to support his daugher. We have got behind in all the bills etc and have been struggling to put food on the table so that my daughter can have a healthy diet to help her recovery better from the cancer. She has shown such courage and strength more than her so called father has. This little girl still laughs and wants to do what all kids do but she cant. There are days when she is really weak and poorly and it hurts me that I cannot provide for her as I use too. I hope that her father is made to pay so that I can make her have a normal childhood as possible. We cant even go to the movies or by her a pair of jeans or anything. This is hard for us as I know it is hard for a lot of you. But I pray it will get better for my family and beleive in my heart that it will.
I just wanted to say a big big thank you to Cancer Fund for sending the box. My daughter looks forward to the next.

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