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Subject: Re: CFA response

diane hoffman (confused)
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Date Posted: 10:05:20 01/21/09 Wed
In reply to: James T. Reynolds, Sr 's message, "CFA response" on 09:00:09 02/15/08 Fri

could you please tell me how to get a form for help of anykind for my brother-he has stage 4 colon cancer, he was the main supporter for his family and now they are having a hard time even buying toothpaste, paying light bills, etc

>I am James T. Reynolds, Sr. I am President of CFA and
>this past February 1, 2008 I passed my 37th year in
>this work.
>I can assure you CFA is a legitimate IRS 501 (c) (3)
>non profit and tax exempt organization. As such, CFA
>is registered across the US with various regulatory
>agencies, has an independent audit conducted each year
>and files an IRS 990 each year with the federal
>CFA maintains from 30 to 50 tractor trailer loads of
>some 200 various new commodities which are distributed
>daily to cancer patients, hospices, other non-profit
>health care providers, and organizations who care for
>infants, the ill and needy. CFA provides products
>free including shipping to thousands of individuals
>each year. Yes we are real, we are legitimate and do
>help others.

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Subject Author Date
Re: CFA responseSusanne R. Steele17:36:23 11/10/09 Tue

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