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Subject: Re: hello

Rosey Dosch (Nurtition)
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Date Posted: 09:41:52 01/14/11 Fri
In reply to: laurie sandler 's message, "hello" on 18:33:18 10/27/05 Thu

>My sister, Kathy is 45 and is at the final stages of
>Lymphoma, Large b-cell, which is no longer treatable.
>She has 2 young children and a great husband. They
>need to know that others care in a community way. This
>is a horrible time for them. Doctors have told us she
>has only several weeks left. I don't know what I am
>asking for. We are doing all we can for them, but I
>know it is not enough...
Hi my name is Rosey Dosch. My husband Al had Large B cell lymphoma in his left leg. It was from his knee half way up his leg. It was in the soft tissue completely around the leg and in the femore bone. He was stage 4. The Dr.s told us that they had seen masses like that in legs but what they had never seen before is that in Al case. the veins and nerves went right through the mass. Dr. said you must have a lot of pain in that leg. Al said no. The dr. had him stand up and walk. no limp. had him jump up and down and squat. Dr was amazed. he said you get to keep your leg. He wanted to know why Al was different than every other patient. We told him about the nutritional supplement that we are on. The dr. told us that it sounded like if we had not been on that product that Al would have lost that leg along time ago. Al had 6 rounds of Chemo. They called it R chop. It took about 5 to 6 hours every 3 weeks. Al never got sick, food tasted good to him, never got tired, and his blood count stayed in the normal ranges all the way through the chemo treatments. There was like 6 pages of side affects from the chemo and all that happened to Al is he lost 90% of his hair. He flew through the chemo treatments. Today he is cancer FREE. we go back every 3 months and have pet scans and blood work done at the Mayo Clinic in Rochester, Mn. Every thing looks great. We talk more about Elk hunting and fishing than the cancer. This is what has happened with us and we thank God every day that we found these products and are also thankful for all the prayers. We do not have a miracles in these products. The body is the miracle and when you give it the right nutrition the body can do some pretty amazing things. I feel that we found out about this product when we needed it the most and how can I keep it to my self when I know that other people need it. My phone number is 605-329-2172. I am from Frederick, SD. Central time zone. Please fell free to contact me if you want more info. I would love to help you and your family. Thank you, Rosey Dosch

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