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Subject: cured my melanoma stage 2

John Bails
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Date Posted: 01:29:15 07/09/11 Sat

If you would like to research this product I would highly recommend it www.cellpowerusa.com it oxygenates the blood and balances your ph. Cancer can't live in an alkaline body. I had a 4mm melanoma removed from my back May 3rd. The surgeon told me it would be $20k to remove the rest so I went back to my dermatologist and he did it for $1k at his clinic, thanks to the medical industry for the prices. I was prepared to fight it naturally but my mom insisted I get the rest removed. I got a ct/pet scan June 24 and they found NOTHING! Next check up is in 6 months but I'm sure I've killed it, only a ct scan next time... no more pain in the ass pet scans!. My white blood cells are good, liver enzymes clean too. Also www.healthforce.com I never believed it had spread and I told my doctors that as well. I wish industry would promote products that have cured others instead of telling us to wait for a drug that costs $120k a dose.

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