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Subject: Hi. I am new to this site, so bare with me.

Melissa (Bittersweet)
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Date Posted: 11:06:35 08/25/12 Sat

Last year I was diagnosed with Stage II Astrocytoma-malignant brain tumor. So my Oncologist sent me to Shands in Gainsville for a biopsy and then for the removal. I was told I was going to need radiation afterwards, but the Neurosurgeon decided against it, and said to get my next MRI in a year! So I went back to my Oncologist here, and he put me on MRI's every 3-4 months. Well every MRI report was coming back saying that I had mild edema (but they didnt want to rule out that I was still healing). So I went to another Oncologist and had another MRI and the report came back bad. The same spot where the tumor was removed, there were2 larger ones than the 1st one and a nodule on the other side of my head. So she automatically put me on 7 weeks of radiation. She was going to put me on both Chemo and radiation, but wanted to wait on the chemo and see what happens with the radiation. I have lost all the hair on the frontal part of my head, so i got a wig, I wear bandanas and scarfs. On top of all this, my Mom just passed away on 8/5/2012 from complications from COPD. She wasn't able to leave any life insurance due to the fact that she was already receiving SSDI. So all I have for support is my sister and my Aunt who lives in Smyrna, TN. So I am trying to find anyone that can help me with fundraiser ideas for myself or know of any organizations that can help with financial assistance. I would be so every greatful! Thank you and God Bless,


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