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Date Posted: 13:07:50 07/21/13 Sun

We just want to express our gratification for what you are doing for us. Your program has enabled us to receive Carnation drinks for extra calories while chemo for cancer is occurring. Also thank you so much for the soaps, shampoos, vitamins, medical gloves / pads and so many other things you are sending every other month. These are huge to us as we have so many medical bills and can hardly afford anything else right now including groceries. One "set" of chemo treatments(a set covers several days of the month and may require more than one set per month)costs approx. $35,000 each. There is also all the doctor visits, labs, x-rays, tests, driving back and forth to treatment sites etc. etc. We have even been given clothes because the Chemo makes one extremely cold with bouts of warmth. Also some books and movies to use while in the treatment rooms. Did you know treatment times can be up to 8-9 hours a day? No, there is no research with these funds, but the help we receive from the Cancer Fund of America is a great blessing that helps us to get by and encourages us every time a box (and they are big)comes in the mail. Thank-you so much. Keep up the good work.

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