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Subject: Why I appreciate CFOA and the workers there.

Darlene (Frazier)
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Date Posted: 08:41:57 08/12/13 Mon

I sooo much care and appreciate the people at Cancer Fund of America for caring for us when we are feeling down and ill. I am a breast cancer survivor. CFOA gifted me with more then I could imagine, useful vitamins, nutrition drinks, toothpaste, this is just to name a few. The box is big and for the family which makes everyone look forward to the day we receive it. Chemo and other cancer drugs along with Doctor and Hospital bills mount up fast and I don't know about anyone else with Cancer but we were just plain broke. CFOA is truly a gift from God. I never could have afforded the lovely things they sent. Last Jan. I was diagnosed with throat cancer of the larynx, I can't talk, I whisper, I may be facing another surgery early this fall to have half my voicebox and a vocal cord removed. I am blessed to have faith in God to pull me through this. Right now I am encouraged that the Dr. can't see any cancer and I have improved. I have faith in CFOA as well, their mission provides needed financial relief from buying the things we need and can't afford. It truly cheered me up to receive the box and open it. Thanks so much Cancer Fund of America, you have helped me physically as well as emotionally, and lifted a burden from me. Sincerely, Darlene Frazier

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