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Date Posted: 22:47:38 09/17/04 Fri
Author: Dhvana
Subject: OMG....

Are all outdoor festivals like this??? What a pain the the fucking ass. First, it took and hour and a half to park, get on the shuttle, and get bussed over to the grounds. Am considering alternate method for tomorrow. I got there a little after seven, in time to catch about half of Ryan Adams before heading over to Franz Ferdinand, stopping along the way to grab a bite to eat. Tens of thousands of people showed up, and it is not that big of a park. Sigh.... There was a huge stage to the left of FF that had awesome sound, which made it painfully obvious just how much FF got gypped on their sound. Fortunately, the snakelike lines of people weaving in and out of the crowds made it easy to slowly inch my way forward, when I wasn't tempted to give them a push--we were standing shoulder to shoulder, for fuck's sake--there wasn't room for anyone to go through! But anyway, FF gave an awesome show. Everyone enjoyed it. And they played Michael. :) They even did an encore, much to the pleasure of those of us who were hoping they'd somehow be able to drown out the Los Lonely Boys, who started playing on the loud stage mentioned above before FF was finished--the fuckers didn't even do them the courtesy of waiting for FF to complete their set (which FF did for the band who played on the loud stage before their show started--the band went over a little and FF was considerate enough to wait before beginning), but LLB went ahead and started early. I had planned on sticking around for LLB, but I've seen them before, and I don't care how big they get, if you've seen them once, you pretty much have seen it all. So, I got in the line to catch the shuttle back, which didn't take as long, for some reason, but I'm not complaining. I'm going to be so dead tomorrow. I'm bringing a gallon of water (they ran out around 8 at some of the stands) and a blanket, so I can lie down and sleep when it gets to be too much. But geez! The crowds, the heat, the crowds! You almost can't enjoy the music because there's so much going on around you and you're so spread out that you just can't find the concentration to listen. Unless, of course, you somehow find a way to get up front. Oh, and no decent FF shirts. There were two, and they were nothing special.

Anyway, that's day one, and took about four hours total. Can't wait for days two and three. ;)

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[> Hey there Miss Festival goer:0) Yep welcome to ther weird and frantic world of festivals -- vx, 06:26:13 09/18/04 Sat

too many people too much going on, all the shop stalls, food stalls fairground possibly, and the massive queus for the toilets beer tokens and beer itself. I really hate the way the big stage gets all the good sound and the smaller stages and tents get crap sound, no video screen etc, when, usually the better more interesting bands. Al my fav bands at V were on the smaller stages. Isle of wight was better cos there was only one stage and one disco tent. NO choice makes things a lot easier.

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[> [> LOL--yeah, that sounds about right.... -- Dhvana, 07:28:56 09/18/04 Sat

The stage FF was on had a video screen, but for some reason, it wasn't being used. They probably weren't expecting such a large crowd, and I swear, their draw was bigger than Ryan's was. By the end, I almost got close enough to see what color their hair was. ;) And, of course, one of them was wearing a cowboy hat. At least one band member has to wear a cowboy hat when they're from another country. And speaking of, whoa--incredibly sexy speaking voice. YUM.

At least we don't have beer tokens. If we want a beer, we just dish out the big bucks and pay for it. There's no soda, oddly enough, but the food stalls have things like flavored tea, lemonade, one even has coffee drinks--the only source of caffeine out there, which is just wrong.

I could not believe it. Two o'clock in the morning, I woke up with a major cramp in my right calf. The thing went on for about six minutes--I didn't think it was ever going to stop. First it was a hard knot that kept twisting, and then it turned into. . . well, it felt like a car going over a road consising entirely of speedbumps, just this weird massive throbbing thing. I tried to keep my leg stretched out, hoping it would go away--I can't imagine the pain I would have been in if I'd let my leg curl up. And the neighbors must have thought I was having one long, somewhat painful orgasm from the noise I was making, LOL. I can't remember the last time something like that has happened. And then, I got one in my left thigh--much sharper pain, but at least it was over quickly. I must not be getting enough potassiam in my diet, but I can't believe last night was responsible for it. I've stood that long before without consequence. At least I'm bringing a towel with me today so I can sit down.

My first show isn't for another five hours, so I'm goign to go get my supplies for the weekend (sunscreen, water, those little packets of handwipes because it is dirty out there), practice some tennis, shower, maybe take a nap, and then head out. Thank goodness it starts late, or I'd never make it. But then, I guess they figure no one else would, either. ;)

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