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Subject: Calling All To The Royals

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Date Posted: 03:07:05 07/13/05 Wed

A sharp wind whistled through the terrain. The night was cold, too cold. Every animal was sheltering in a hollow or a cave. Thunder cracked, sending it's echo throughout the royals. Rain began spitting from the sky, and the wind grew harsher. It's piercing face sent a chill through everything.

No creature dared walk on this cold winters night. Lightning split through the dark night sky, lighting the silhouette of a horse.

Its breath was exhalted in bursts of steam. Its dark chestnut coat tinted brown in the darkness. Its spurs moved it forward, over the border of the loam. It's acuates make tracks upon the loam as it recoils from the stench of blood staining the gae. It snorts audibly, carbon condensing with the cold night air. It looked like a dragon, ready to devour its stricken foe. It's hulk turned as it's offset spurs pivot. It faces the direction of the main trees. Cordial whips through the cold night air in annoyance. Lightning lights up the sky again, exposing the face of the horse. It's paper-thins dilated in another snort. It's portals showing their whites.

Harley had returned. He tossed his cranium through the air. He wouldn't wait until morning to punish these lowlifes. His deltas part and the huge manson screams his defiance. They would not get away with this. They would not.

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