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Date Posted: 23:52:25 07/10/02 Wed
Author Host/IP: In reply to:
That's how the cops traced Bebe's stalking
's message, "Re: People being harassed by Buellshit: Read This" on 17:22:50 05/10/02 Fri
I want to tell the poor guy who was being harassed by "anonymous" emails not to worry. I feel bad for him. Maybe he doesn't know about all this Buellshit and he's genuinely afraid there's a whole gang of people after him, and I think it's only right to let him know what's going on.
I just checked out the this guy's web-journal where he said he was "scared to write in his journal" after being harassed by the Buellshit ( ) and I see he has erased the links to the archived posts where he writes about being harassed by the anonymous emails that he assumed were "Bebe's bulldog friends". Maybe he got more harassing emails since Bebe's harassment was exposed here and he's scared even more, and maybe nobody has clued him in where the harassing email he got originated from. Who the hell knows anymore, but if you do a web search you the posts still show up where he talks about being harassed and the posts are still there, but it seems he's been terrorized into trying to hide his own diary by erasing the links.
So even if the guy has been frightened into deleting the links, you can still get to the URLs of the pages where he writes about being harassed. They are..
This is where he writes in his journal about reading Bebe's "terrible" book and what a loser he thinks she must be. At this point he obviously has no idea what he's in store for.
This is where he writes that he's suddenly getting "several emails" about what he'd written in his diary, telling him what an "awful" person he is, and wonders how these "people" found him or his writings.
This is where he writes that he feels "anxious" about writing in his diary due to the numerous "surprise visits" to his sight, and says there's more to the Bebe Buell story but he's "afraid of Bebe's bulldog friends" and is still left wondering how "they" found him in the first place.
Someone should let the poor guy know that he's not alone in being harassed by "anonymous" emails ranting on about Bebe's agenda, and that many of these harassing emails trace back to the same source. The poor guy. It sounds like he's afraid that there's a whole gang of these crazies out there waiting for him. I wanted to tell him not to fear, and chances are the "gang" of "Bebe's bulldog friends" probably amounts to all of ONE person. I looked for an email address to let him know what's been going on, and to tell him to look here on Groupie Central and see that there's a pattern of this harassment so maybe he can sleep better at night, but I didn't see any email address. I think it's only right that this guy knows what's going on. How many other people out there have been randomly scared and harassed? This guy wrote that he had no idea how anyone found his journal, so it looks obvious that Bebe spends all day searching the internet for people to harass with "anonymous" emails, and so it stands to reason there's more of them out there. Not to mention the many journalists who wrote truthful reviews of her book. I wonder how many editors got "anonymous" emails saying that their writer should be fired. I, for one am going to make a point of emailing anyone I see who has written anything that Bebe may not like to inform them that if they've gotten any harassing emails that they shouldn't be scared and they are not alone, and tell them to look here to see the pattern of harassment going on. I think everyone else should do the same.
>I have reliable information that this is exactly how
>Bebe was caught violating the restraining order
>against her. From what I know, she thought she could
>get around the restraining order and continue to
>harass her ex and his wife by using fake email
>addresses like hotmail or yahoo, but didn't realize
>that all the emails she's been sending were easily
>traced right back to her home computer. Supposedly
>the LAPD are involved and Bebe will be facing court
>proceedings as a result.
>The funny thing is, for someone who likes to think
>she's so intelligent, it's her stupidity that got her
>caught AGAIN. "Security Expert" has made some good
>points, but you don't have to be a "computer expert"
>to see exactly who is sending you email. In the
>headers of EVERY email that gets sent is the IP
>address of the senders computer and the senders ISP
>account, whether a Hotmail address is used or not, and
>this information is undeniable hard evidence.
>Obviously Bebe is so stupid that she thinks because
>she's behind a computer at home that she is anonymous,
>but nothing can be further from fact. Fact is that
>email evidence is something that can't be denied.
>It's even more conclusive than an eyewitness or DNA
>evidence, as an eyewitness can always have their
>credibility attacked, and as we saw in the OJ Simpson
>trial even DNA evidence can be made questionable. But
>an email can never be denied as it is contains hard
>evidence of the senders ISP account and leads right
>back to their home computer. Case closed.
>If anyone else is being harassed by Buellshit, or any
>other online stalking behavior, the police can have
>the ISP release their logs with all the information
>you can imagine. Just make sure you save the
>harassing emails and print them out just to be safe.
>You'll find that "BB" sees and records all. Big
>Brother that is.
>>This Bebe saga is like watching a train wreck. As a
>>security expert, I thought I'd give some advice to the
>>people who are being harassed by a certain element
>>trying to hide behind computer aliases by using
>>different e-mail addresses.
>>Rule #1: If someone is harassing you by e-mail, don't
>>respond. They want you to get in a war of words with
>>them and then possibly use it against you by saying
>>YOU are harassing THEM.
>>Rule #2: All harassing e-mail should be forwarded to
>>the abuse/harassment department of the harasser's
>>e-mail provider. The abuse addresses for most
>>providers is abuse@nameofprovider. For example, for
>>Hotmail, it's It's also a good idea
>>to print out all the harassing e-mail you get. If
>>someone tries to lie and forge e-mail by saying you're
>>harassing them, the Internet Service Provider will
>>know it because they have records of when you've
>>logged on and when you sent e-mail. People who try and
>>trump up phony charges will have this backfire on
>>them, and they just get the scrutiny put on them.
>>Rule #3: Use mail filters to block the harasser. If
>>necessary, change your e-mail address.
>>A word of warning to anyone who thinks they can harass
>>people through e-mail and hide behind aliases. Even if
>>you use what you think is an anonymous e-mail account
>>such as through Hotmail or Yahoo, it's still traceable
>>to your Internet Service Provider, which has records
>>of when you've logged on and sent e-mail. A lot of us
>>computer experts can still find out if multiple e-mail
>>addresses are coming from the same computer. It's just
>>like people who make harassing phone calls to a local
>>phone number and they think they can't be traced
>>because the local number doesn't appear on their phone
>>bill. Wrong. The phone company still has records of
>>all calls you make (even local phone calls, even if
>>you have caller ID blocking) which can be turned over
>>to law enforcement at the request of people who are
>>being harassed. If someone falsely accuses you of
>>making harassing phone calls, the phone company can
>>easily look up records to see who's telling the truth.
>>It's largely the same with ISPs.
>>Someone should tell Bebe to read the Constitution of
>>the United States and learn the difference between
>>freedom of speech and harassment. When people say
>>"Bebe Buell is a crazy bitch" on a message board or
>>elsewhere, that's an opinion which people are entitled
>>to under the First Amendment. AND THEY CAN SAY IT AS
>>MUCH AS THEY WANT. When people say "I heard Elvis
>>Costello feels like vomiting in disgust every time he
>>hears Bebe Buell's name." That's gossip, also freedom
>>of speech protected by the Constitution. But when you
>>cross the line and start threatening people
>>relentlessly, that's harassment.
>>When you look at Bebe's life and how so many people
>>for so many years have wanted nothing to do with her
>>after they've had the misfortune of getting involved
>>with her, it's clear that she hasn't changed and she
>>never will change. She also has a pattern of blaming
>>other people for problems she's caused. It's typical
>>behavior from someone who's lost touch with reality.
>>If Bebe is reading this---I think you should be
>>committed to a mental hospital. You're a deeply
>>troubled and angry loser, you're not fooling anyone
>>with these crazy stunts you're trying to pull, and I
>>doubt all the medication in the world can cure you.
>>That's my opinion, BITCH!
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