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Date Posted: 06:58:46 02/08/04 Sun
Author: gretchen
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Subject: *small grin slowly grows into a large smile*
In reply to: toothy 's message, "Invisible Tears" on 16:29:27 01/14/04 Wed

*claps in glee* i love it! i do, tooth. i love it.

the second chapter is a teeny choppy. i like the choppy feel a bit...cuz it makes you want to read on to understand more though...

gosh. i really love it, babe. the third chapter in particular. very autobiographical, eh? very excited to find out how the mystical bit of your story fleshes out.

yay. hurry up and write more. i'm greedy and hungry now.

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[> A Gemma Review -- Der- Gemma wrote this, 03:44:30 02/19/04 Thu [1] (

LOl Until he said he was a he I thought he was a she :) It was a little confusing at first. I had no idea who was talking, more to the point what they looked like. BUt must agree with gretch you have to keep reading because you WANT to find out about this person. The psychic vision in particular makes you want to understand exactly what it means. I think I'm a little impatient like that nurse LOl I want to know and the sooner the better. I know you don't like mistakes so I'm going to ask if this is one=I lied and said was OK. Should there be an I inbetween said and was? The length it takes to find our that the narration is done by someone other than the slayer isn't so long that you what on earth is going on? It makes you go Oh I see it now. I feel that if you had left it longer then I probably would've been in the first group :) Look you've had your first Gemma review :D Look forward to reading more of it, as from what I've read it's enough to get me interested. Plus the way you've written it is good too.

*writes on bathroom wall- toothy taught Gemma her easiness and toothy's phone number* ;)

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