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Date Posted: 22:28:43 11/10/03 Mon
Author: Grandmama Staszack
Subject: Sweeden's Coming Out

Hey lads,
Wasn't sure if this was a bitches free web-post, but then I saw that cunt Candy post so I guess its alright. Anyway, since none of the homo's on Team Sweeden have the junk to post anything on here I thought I'd do it for them. To sum up this team with one word I would have to say, Dynamic. For starters there's my lil Jeffrey. For those of you that don't know him he's the mumbly one that represents the charisma and character of this team. Then we have that crazy little Indian shit Chi. He's the dark one that likes girls with big boobs and brings the unpredictability to the team. He's a loose cannon that will self-destruct long before midnight. Next we have Brian, the pseudo-skater that more closely definies the extremeness that team Dhijbouti seeks. Dare I say broken back. He brings a secret weapon to the team that only one Mr. Basch has the full knowledge of. Then, amidst this see of testosterone is the rag of the team, Jen. Im sure all of you gents know her by now so I won't get into what she brings... you know what I'm talking about, dont think those knee pads are for boards and ollies. For those of you seeking to learn more about this team you can probably find them near the bottom of the leader-board once the competition starts. Just thought I would give you all some forewarning so you can watch and enjoy the fatal demise of the suicide machine that is Team Sweeden.
Best Wishes,
Grandmama Staszack

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