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Date Posted: 11:01:20 11/19/03 Wed
Author: Team Sweden
Subject: Re: Pre-Olympics Rankings
In reply to: Associated Press 's message, "Pre-Olympics Rankings" on 18:53:19 11/18/03 Tue

Chi's team is supported by the likes of Jen, Kooistra and Jeffrey the Referey (collectively known as Team Sweden). We've been holed up in a fjord far from all your bitching and moaning. We've trained with the intensity and precision that only Scandinavians possess. Training on pure triple distilled grain vodka has made our livers tough and minds focused. Beer will be nothing to stand in the way of our Olympic Dreams. Sweden has been insulted by the rankings of the associated press, ESPN, and Baker. We will break our peaceful traditions and trounce you at this years compitition; culminating in the Golden Keg sitting where it belongs at the UIUC.

In a mediated talk with Yemen, Hulk Hogan, personally released his predictions for this years top 10 at Versailles on November 17th at 15:23:56GMT :

1. Sweden (precision and eXtreme Hulk-a-mania support. How could we possibly lose?)
2. Cuba (Cuba's little dingy sinks on it's way to FL and gets an honerary second at the Olympics)
3. Iraq (Iraq? You get wrecked. Your 2 switch hitters from NY go down harder than the twin towers)
4. Djibouti (Team Djibouti is rendered eXtremely useless by excessive posturing)
5. Germany (Gets roughed up by black dudes between rounds)
6. Somalia (hungry for victory, continues to starve)
7. Vatican City (FU Pope)
8. Yemen (Who's ever heard anything bad about Yemen?)
9. Hungary (Fuck, I already used my hungry joke on Somalia)10. Chile (Jen occupies this team by going 'south of the boarder' and they miss out in the final critical rounds)

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