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Date Posted: Thursday, February 17, 06:58:50pm
Author: Mr. Fabulous
Author Host/IP: edge1.db3net.net /
Subject: You should be a man about this
In reply to: S-T 's message, "Queer's violation of voy.com TOS" on Thursday, February 17, 07:36:43am

I understand you have a fantastic case against Queer... but why are you afraid to state it here? If you have an objection against Rosie or Queer, and you are so confident about it that you made a complaint to Voy TOS, isn't providing Rosie & Queer with a copy of said complaint the adult thing to do? The right thing to do? The AMERICAN thing to do? They deserve to know what the charges against them are. If you don't want them to know the text of your complaint to TOS, then we can draw some very concrete conclusions from that!

Come on big guy, be a man.

Mr. Fab

>I'm not going to get into the specifics of the
>argument here. I already reported the matter to Voy.
>Whether they want to enforce their own TOS is their
>business. If they decide to enforce their TOS, it's up
>to Rosie whether or not R&RC ends up like the
>original Drunks' Bar.
>I know you Leftists are desperate to bait me into a
>flame war here. After the multiple brutal beatings you
>have endured at my hands, it is no surprise that you
>are trying to start a flame war insatead of an actual
>discussion of issues. That, I suspect, is why I've
>been banished to "The Arena", where Rosie declared
>open season on ST last year. So, this will be my last
>post on this forum.
>If you want real debate, and real moderation, >size="+1"> >target="_blank">I'm not hard to find.

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  • Facts, proof, evidence? -- Queer, Thursday, February 17, 08:51:29pm
  • Look -- Dash, Thursday, February 17, 10:44:16pm

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