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Date Posted: Monday, February 21, 05:47:20pm
Author: Mr. Fabulous
Author Host/IP: edge1.db3net.net /
Subject: Slander AND libel?
In reply to: S-T 's message, "Treason? Give me a break." on Sunday, February 20, 10:57:45pm

>Why on Gaia's green
>Earth should I have any loyalty whatsoever to you,
>after the nasty, hateful, abusive personal attacks,
>insults, slander and libel directed at me?

Slander AND libel?

Wow, a double-whammy. Now, about libel:
"Libel involves the making of defamatory statements in a printed or fixed medium, such as a magazine or newspaper." (expertlaw.com)
I suppose that also includes internet messageboards. But what is defamation?
"Generally speaking, defamation is the issuance of a false statement about another person, which causes that person to suffer harm." (expertlaw.com)
I see a problem here! What's your proof that you suffered harm from anything said on this messageboard? Depending on your jurisdiction, you might try to get away with "mental anguish", though. It would be worth it to hear your testimony on all the pain that this messageboard, which you keep coming back to again and again and again and again and again, is causing you.

Besides, defamation isn't defamation if it is true! And if it is expressed as an opinion, that is not defamation either.

But what about slander?
Slander involves the making of defamatory statements by a transitory (non-fixed) representation, usually an oral (spoken) representation. (expertlaw.com)
So are you also charging that the denizens of R&R are going about in their daily lives, bad-mouthing this "ST" persona they encountered on a messageboard to their family, friends, co-workers, and/or media? And this has caused you harm? Wow. You're really this paranoid? I have a hunch that nobody finds you remotely important enough to warrant flapping their jaws about. Moving a few fingers to type is probably the extent of it. You're just not that important, kiddo.

Let us know how the law suit comes along.

>R&RC is a message board, not a high school clique.
>Grow up.

That's a nasty, hateful, abusive personal attack.

Mr. Fab

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