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Date Posted: Monday, May 09, 12:03:42pm
Author: S-T
Author Host/IP: 12-210-213-148.client.insightBB.com /
Subject: Leftist cowards fear refutation

While my ISP has been banned from R&RC Image Hosted by ImageShack.us I have the opportunity to read the board now and again from a different computer. Look what I found:


Date Posted: Tuesday, April 19, 06:50:55pm
Author: RW
Subject: Hitler & Heaven

First, let me confess: every once in a while I read ST's blog. Okay, I admit it. And now ST knows it. Oh god, the horror. I'm so lame. I also rubberneck traffic accidents. Perhaps there's a pattern.

Anyhow, today ST was pontificating about salvation in the Christian faith and had this to say. Read the below. Let
it sink in, then read it again.

> But if you're a good person, if you live the way
> Christ wanted you to live, you'll go to heaven, right?
> Wrong. John 14:5-7 does not agree with that line of
> thinking. There is only one way to Heaven, and it is
> true that many "good people" have been subject to
> eternal damnation.
> If Hitler had accepted Christ moments before he died,
> he would be in Heaven. If Ted Bundy truly accepted
> Christ and repented of his sins (as Dr. Dobson
> believes he did) then he is in Heaven. By the same
> token, if Mother Teresa never accepted Christ, she
> would be in Hell, regardless of all the "good works"
> she did.

Okay, y'all got it? Let's review salvation in the Christian faith:

* "Good" people often go to hell, e.g., Mother Teresa.

* "Bad" people like Hitler get a free ticket to heaven if they whisper a little "I'm sorry" to Jesus on their deathbed.

* While Hitler may go to heaven if he did such a thing, the Jews, gays and other innocent unchristian undesirables that Hitler had killed went to hell.

* If Hitler did go to heaven, he would also be high-fiving his psychopathic pal Ted Bundy (who apologized to Jesus before his death and got his free ticket).

Yeah, heaven sounds like a super place to spend eternity! The place is obviously crawling with psychopaths. I'd rather be in hell. At least the gays would have it festively decorated. :) And besides, it's a dry heat.



Date Posted: Tuesday, April 19, 07:12:36pm
Author: Queer
Subject: Just another illustration of the irrecconcilable insanity of ST & xians
In reply to: RW 's message, "Hitler & Heaven" on Tuesday, April 19, 06:50:55pm

It takes a great deal of doublethink to adhere to that fucked up belief system.

Reading ST's pathetic, empty blog, though, will automatically aim you toward hell. Be careful.


Date Posted: Wednesday, April 20, 08:59:52am
Author: Rosie
Subject: Re: Hitler & Heaven
In reply to: RW 's message, "Hitler & Heaven" on Tuesday, April 19, 06:50:55pm

This is one reason why I reject religion. I can't fathom a "loving" god sending good people to hell just because they aren't "saved".



Date Posted: Friday, April 22, 06:32:41pm
Author: Dash
Subject: The legend spreads

From the Unknown Blogster's blog:

Say it ain't so, Regina

An acquaintance who attended Al Sharpton's speech last night said she was sitting behind Bloomington City Clerk Regina Moore. When the Union Board cut off the time for questions, Mrs. Moore allegedly said something along the lines of "thank God they cut off questions before Scott Tibbs got to speak."

I hope that my acquaintance heard Mrs. Moore wrong, or that someone else said those words and that and my friend mistakenly thought it was Mrs. Moore. I would hope that someone elected citywide would have respect for the free speech rights of all citizens that she serves, and would not express relief that I was unable to speak in a public forum.

Poor, pathetic asshole.


Date Posted: Friday, April 22, 06:37:10pm
Author: Hugh
Subject: A beer fart in a whirlwind
In reply to: Dash 's message, "The legend spreads" on Friday, April 22, 06:32:41pm

That sums up Mr. Tibbs of www.bloomingtalk.com.


Date Posted: Saturday, April 23, 03:27:23pm
Author: Dash
Subject: I'll say one thing for the little drama queen
In reply to: Hugh 's message, "A beer fart in a whirlwind" on Friday, April 22, 06:37:10pm

You've got to admire a man who's had his letters to editors published in far-flung zip codes and still deigns to keep a local, hometown presence. Most of the great pundits forget their roots once they reach the bigs.


Date Posted: Friday, April 22, 06:43:50pm
Author: Queer
Subject: I suspect this is nothing more than grandstanding from the former resident crank
In reply to: Dash 's message, "The legend spreads" on Friday, April 22, 06:32:41pm

Who else would publicize his idiotic rants?


Date Posted: Friday, April 22, 06:54:32pm
Author: Trog
Subject: Why shoot a dead horse?
In reply to: Queer 's message, "I suspect this is nothing more than grandstanding from the former resident crank" on Friday, April 22, 06:43:50pm

I know I'm new here, but if this ST guy isn't on the board anymore, why continue to bring him up? Why here? Why not take it to the other place where he can at least respond to your insults?


Date Posted: Friday, April 22, 06:58:08pm
Author: Dash
Subject: Nah
In reply to: Trog 's message, "Why shoot a dead horse?" on Friday, April 22, 06:54:32pm

We need to stay in practice for his ultimate return. He's a valid topic of discussion. One of the top five loonballs I've encountered in my ten years on the internet.


Date Posted: Friday, April 22, 06:55:45pm
Author: Dash
Subject: I assume
In reply to: Queer 's message, "I suspect this is nothing more than grandstanding from the former resident crank" on Friday, April 22, 06:43:50pm

The whole thing is another lie from the little attention whore/drama queen.
It is less than honorable to ban me from the main forum while allowing others to continue their attacks on me there. I should either be unbanned so I have the opportunity to respond to these attacks if I choose, or further attacks on me at R&RC should not be allowed.

So, you cowards: if you can't stop obsessing over me, why not attack me here, where I have the option of defending myself?

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