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Date Posted: Saturday, May 21, 03:59:46am
Author: Queer
Author Host/IP: dialup- /
Subject: Well, as long as it's Jesus...
In reply to: Mr. Fabulous 's message, "Tibbs mentioned on Bloomington church sign" on Wednesday, May 18, 09:04:11pm

Of course, I never thought ST would run porno sites. Can you imagine how boring they'd be? Nothing but Song of Solomon ("thy breasts are like fauns,") horse ejaculate (Bush knows about thst), David and Jonathon ("thy love to me was wonderful, passing the love of women")--- all the stuff baptist boys selectively jerk off to.

ST's porno offerings would be pretty limited, and he'd never be able to keep up with Seymore Butts or Larry Flynt. Volume and a varied catalog is key to making it in the porno biz.

Maybe he could do something hot with Ruth and Naomi? After all, their vows to each other are quoted in most wedding ceremonies. Ooooh, crossover marketing potential!

Let's not even get into the numerous SM scenarios ST could tape for his biblical hairshirt series!

After all, porn is consumed at a much higher rate in "red states," whose bloviators talk about outlawing it, than in "blue states," where people aren't generally ashamed to actually touch each other.

ST could become a millionaire. Or, perhaps I'll steal the idea of removing the separation between church & porn.

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