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Date Posted: Friday, July 01, 09:47:32pm
Author: Knob
Author Host/IP: 0-2pool44-229.nas22.newark2.nj.us.da.qwest.net /
Subject: Don't waste your time there.
In reply to: Dash 's message, "That amy be true" on Thursday, June 30, 07:30:31pm

The moderator is some dope named awshit or something or other and only tolerates the neocon point of view. Hell, I got banned for calling female Marines BAM's (broad-assed marines) and split-tails, both of which are common USMC usage. The little prick censors everything you say and just looks for an excuse to kick you out. What you have to say about Bush's shitty little war won't resonate very well in that jingo echo chamber, trust me. It's Kevin's hiding place, he's like an ant lion clinging to the bottom of his little pit, to fearful of his weak moral position to come out and defend his idol, that unhinged lunatic and former dipsomaniac from Texas. The neocons are truly a pathetic lot.

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