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Date Posted: Tuesday, August 30, 06:16:08pm
Author: Mr. Fabulous
Author Host/IP: core0.db3net.net /
Subject: Why does ST hate America?

I have a question for those who are advocating the shutdown of a Voy messageboard for some supposed infraction, real or imagined, of Voy terms of service.

Why do you hate America?

You see, the United States of America was founded on the idea of freedom. The reason the colonists seceded from England was because they believed that continued British rule (specifically as it related to taxes) was destructive to their liberty. The reason the United States exists is because a group of men pledged their lives, fortunes and sacred honor to establish a nation where individual liberty would be guranteed[sic]. The United States is as much of an idea as a nation.

Yet many Americans are attacking our liberty on a daily basis. Those enemies of freedom include Scott Tibbs, who is calling for Voy to shut down the Rants & Raves forum. By attacking R&R denizens' freedom to converse on the messageboard of their own choice, Scott Tibbs and other enemies of freedom like him are attacking the very foundation that America is built upon.

So, Scott Tibbs, why do you hate America? And why do you hate freedom?

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