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Subject: Re: Hafan

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Date Posted: 20:29:01 04/21/07 Sat
Author Host/IP: ASte-Genev-Bois-151-1-81-160.w81-48.abo.wanadoo.fr/
In reply to: Linda 's message, "Re: Hafan" on 17:26:27 04/21/07 Sat

I am not promoting anyone. And I am not judging anyone neither. I have just passed on an information that has arrived in my mail box.

My position is the same as this spirit who said in a seance : "all peoples have a place in the world, that will help them manifest their uniqueness on all Planet Earth."

The sun is for everybody.

People have read my firm and strong disapprovals only when some individuals acted as scavengers; I mean when they wanted a job, their selfgratifications, control, revenge and happiness on the expense and cries of others... As vultures which would rejoice on the despair and suffering of others, they publically manipulated on the forums (SDF forum, KW's forum; The Fannies paradise forum); they publically insulted, accused of fraud, criticized, and did everything to destroy other peoples' reputations. Then I felt the necessity to intervene - as a teacher (and not as a judge) - to raise their awareness and their responsibility for the hurt done to others.

It seems that respect and dignity have replaced the negative relationship, so I think I have not done a such bad job when I tried to raise their consciousness, and that I have invited some egotistical individuals (who have not thought even a second that "their majesties" might have to purify their forked tongue) to meditate on their higher self !


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Re: HafanLinda
13:30:40 05/23/07 Wed

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