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Subject: more gossip

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Date Posted: 10:11:19 12/29/04 Wed
Author Host/IP: NoHost/

I heard the other day Jean Noel from Yorkshire went to Hafan y Coed during the summer. After phoning up Allan, was surprised at being allowed to stay. She called Roy a Wazzok [a dick head if you do not come from Yorkshire] twice in front of Allan, once in the dining area and the next time at the bridge by the original pond. This was while Allan was showing Jean and her live in partner Christine around Hafan y Coed. Allan said to Roy she has the measure of you, hasn’t she? [If I were in Roy’s position I would have left Hafan y Coed there and then. Allan must think Roy is a dick head as well, Roy must many a time teeter on the cliff edge from what I hear about Allan’s attitude with him, how long before he goes never to return]. Roy told others afterwards, “he just shook his head in sad disbelief and kept on working”. Foolish person. John Feltner at the time said he felt very bad uncomfortable vibes when Jean turned up and said “he did not feel she was a very nice person”. Jean Noel and her lover girl friend left next morning, in her bedroom the dressing table mirror was left broken. No mention of it or how it happened. No wonder spirit did not support her centre. It is closed now. She is supposed to be a spiritual medium.
I also heard Roy had helped Jean Noel clear and paint her centre, did the garden, planted a lot of bulbs in her garden around the centre a fortnight before it opened, did her first weeks course for the centre then before he left after three weeks fixed her boiler. Foolish person.
I also heard Roy was twice threatened by Peter Adams, if he left Hafan y Coed Roy would never work again. Was Peter going to murder him if he left? He should have gone to the police. I would have done. How much more can Roy take from the Hafan y Coed mob, place your bets. Foolish person.
He definitely must be a wazzok, a dick head, helping these people. Foolish person.

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Subject Author Date
Re: more gossipOnLooker
11:56:59 12/29/04 Wed
Re: more gossipspirit worker
14:44:53 12/31/04 Fri

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