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Subject: Re: Why all this hate

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Date Posted: 23:53:15 01/07/05 Fri
Author Host/IP: host213-122-208-86.in-addr.btopenworld.com/
In reply to: another observer 's message, "Re: Why all this hate" on 11:03:00 12/31/04 Fri

Be positive

Be positive in your approach. Expect all to go well. Expect such things as you need to arrive for, in your positive attitude being sent into the ether, it will be captured there and will be returned with what you need. Ask for those things which are needful to you for your health of mind, body and spirit and it will be given to you. It has been proved many times by all types of people and organisations that even the most mundane requirements do become fulfilled for that is the Law. If you think negative then that is what will influence events.

This applies not only to both of you but to others as well. If you and others dwell on catastrophes they will take place. At the moment the whole world is thinking in these negative terms and the results are plain to see. Emphasise to others that they see only positive and it shall be so. That does not place the burden of onus upon you should things not turn out as you wish, for others' thoughts are also involved. So do not say to yourself 'I am no good at this' - you are - just try harder

If you wish to have others to help you, be positive with all you say to them. Do not dwell upon misfortune but do not, either, appear unfeeling but turn it into a positive prayerful action. Where you meet others remember that you do not know their true needs but a positive word from you could work the miracle they desire. I cannot emphasise this sufficiently. You are battling against so much negative thought. You must close yourself to it and surround yourself with positivity.

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