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Subject: Sense at last

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Date Posted: 14:53:07 03/20/05 Sun
Author Host/IP: host217-42-88-94.range217-42.btcentralplus.com/
In reply to: Jenny 's message, "Makes you wonder.... !" on 01:05:44 03/20/05 Sun

At long last Roy has seen the situation through open eyes, without the rose coloured glasses for HYC he had. I have seen Roy work from seven in the morning cutting grass and waking the whole site up, gardening all day in hail, rain, and snow and after dark still going, working on the computer making brochures and posters until late into the night, many a time after midnight. Allan Mayze won't get many workers like him again to do his donkey work. Stay away Roy never trust a car dealer like him. I learned the hard way like you.
Remember all the meeting we had with him where he said he was going to put HYC into a charitable trust. Looking back it was done just to keep us all working there for no thank you's and very rarely any thing else other than have him criticize. The charitable trust has never happened and never will. As we all have said in the past, Allan Mayze is having HYC all tidied up ready for a sale for profit on the backs of other people's labours.
All volunteers gradually find out what he is like after a few days there, it has taken you a lot longer. It is a case of much wants more. Remember he still OWNS six houses in London, and he has plenty of money in the bank.

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