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Subject: Hafan-y-coed

Jean Duncan
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Date Posted: 09:53:27 05/16/05 Mon
Author Host/IP: cache-los-ac05.proxy.aol.com/

I would like to clear up the fact that there never was a court case for my removal at Hafan I was threatened with a court case which never took place. I was decieved by peter Adams into believing that he was going to donate the money to clear the loan on Hafan from the morgage placed on Alan and Babs matrimonial home.I and the rest of the true workers believed him he said it would be given to us as long as there would be no legal tie to Babs and alan in the future.He then started to ask me for information regarding Hafan Ie Bank statments info on certain things which would have comprmised my self legaly at Hafan.He asked me not to inform other Directors of any conversations or dealing that he and I had This of course aroused my suspicions and I always made sure all conversations were either taped or listened to my other Directors.In fact Peter Adams spoke twice to a Colleage director who he believed was myself.I still have all tapes and letters from Peter Adams. It was only after speaking in detail to the police then to Alan that Alan finally admited that he knew Peter Adams and he was aware of all Peter Adams had said and done including threats to myself and friends (loyal suporters of Hafan )
I would have willing stayed and fought them all for spirit and all those who had given their time so freely to Hafan. Till Paulette betrayed us she believe Alan was going to let her run Hafan she took the bait and stabbed us all in the back. So I resigned and the company paid me back one years bills and wages that I had paid out of my own pocket all reciepts were provided. The previous 2 years money I allowed them to keep even though I have still held all reciepts . I am not allowed to say what I was paid but I would like everyone to know it was under £11000
Jean Duncan (not in capitals)

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