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Subject: Re: Joe Power

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Date Posted: 10:47:41 06/03/05 Fri
Author Host/IP: user-3258.l4.c3.dsl.pol.co.uk/
In reply to: OnLooker 's message, "Re: Joe Power" on 07:49:37 06/03/05 Fri

I hope your high opinion of Carole is justified and if its is, I hope she gets out soon. I live in a village over the mountain from Hafan and pass regularly. It is turning into what most of us expected when we were involved there. Car boot sales on the grounds for example. We know the man likes to make money but still, its such a lovely spot and a shame for students to have their early mornings iterrupted by this shambles.
Of course Peter is still involved the whole plot of him "leaving" as he did was a sham for those of us left behind to feel better about not to mention safer in our beds there. He is the subtext of all this, what he wants to happen will happen have no doubt about that. Alan is totally in his pocket for some sinister reason and Peter will not rest until Hafan has gone. Whether he will rest anywhere after what he has done is another story for another time. I understand that people are searching but dont look there, there are several centres in the same radius, check out Jean Dalows or Steven o Briens for example both near.

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Re: Joe PowerOnLooker
13:04:40 06/03/05 Fri

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