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Subject: Re: Hot off the press!

Jean Ducan
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Date Posted: 10:39:07 08/01/05 Mon
Author Host/IP: cache-los-ac05.proxy.aol.com/
In reply to: Knowledge 's message, "Re: Hot off the press!" on 15:32:14 07/31/05 Sun

Knowledge yes lets get things straight .
1) centre aquirerd feb 2000 open for 4 weeks64 students
2) 2001 centre open 6weeks 110 students
3)2002 centre open 11 weeks 180 students making a total of 354 students paying £100 pounds amounting to
£35400. Lou was paid £200 per week for 100 weeks total amount £20000 Gloria was paid £100 per week for 30 weeks total £3000 .insurence was £650 per year total £19500 I have not mentioned fuel electricity water rates or telephone bills. pluss their were repairs funishings food stationary freezers fridges traveling expenses for Gloria and lets not forget all of the mediums such as Mavis Pittilla Judith Seaman Jean Skinner add it up Knowledge then see who paid for it all. I did use the AAUM Ltd card for one meal it was when I knew that we had all been betrayed. The meal was for all those that had worked totaly free of charge for the good of Hafan and you know what I still beleive that they deserved every mouthfull
I paid out all the time I was there and I had no choice but to pay the £700 per month I had made a promise to Alan who had put his home up for the morgage.

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Re: Hot off the press!Knowledge
16:52:06 08/01/05 Mon

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