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Subject: Jocj Mac Arthur

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Date Posted: 13:07:33 08/02/05 Tue
Author Host/IP: lutn-cache-12.server.ntli.net/

A friend has just come back from HYC, She says she will never go there again, owing to the poor tutor who was there, A Mr.Jock Mac Arthur, Scotlands greatest bore, she told me that she had fell a sleep several times during the course, came away not learning a thing and completely none the wiser what the course was about, only that it seemed to promote the fore mention Jock as the greatest thing since sliced bread, she had not a clue what he was talking about, and every so often he promoted him self.
From now on she says she will spend much her hard earnt money by going to Stanstead College.
There has been many complaints about this man, how is he allowed to get away with it, but since Alan and Peter kicked out Jean Duncan they have scraped the bottom of the barrel for tutors, now the barrel mush be empty because they got Jock, who was not even good enough to be in the barrel in the first place.

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Subject Author Date
Re: Jocj Mac ArthurHaggis
18:27:30 08/02/05 Tue
Re: Jocj Mac ArthurA student who attended Jock's course
22:37:11 08/05/05 Fri

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